SMS Riverine Pro Package

SMS Riverine Pro Package

The SMS Riverine Pro package offers all core surface-water modeling tools including geometry construction, mapping, data handling, and visualization capabilities as well as a variety of riverine numerical models including SRH, HEC-RAS, and RMA2.

Select a license method:

SMS is licensed with either a local or a flex code.
Learn more about our new license methods.

Local License - Enable a license on a single computer
Flex License - Share a license over a network with check-out/check-in feature

Available Add-ons:

SRH-2D Sediment Transport +$1,035
RMA4 +$605
ADH +$1,035
Generic Model Interface +$850
      HydroAS +$8,590
TUFLOW FV (Local 1) +$6,975
      TUFLOW FV GPU Module +$2,760
      TUFLOW FV AD Module +$2,760
TUFLOW (Local 1) +$6,975
      TUFLOW AD Module +$4,215
      TUFLOW M2D/QT Module +$2,760
      TUFLOW GPU Module +$2,760
ADCIRC +$5,405
STWAVE +$1,035
CMS Flow +$1,035
CMS Wave +$1,035
WAM +$1,035
CGWAVE +$6,535
BOUSS2D +$6,160
GENCADE +$1,940
PTM +$2,535