Aquaveo & Water Resources Engineering News

How to Include Sediment Transport in CMS-Flow

As a civil engineer working with hydrodynamic modeling, you understand the importance of considering sediment transport in many models, such as CMS-Flow. The sediment transport equation is essential as it models the rate of sediment particle movement based on various factors, including local flow conditions and sediment properties. With the sediment transport module in CMS-Flow, you can achieve a more accurate representation of river or coastal systems. It also enables you to explore different scenarios such as changes in flow conditions, sediment input, or sea level rise.

Using the Surface-water Modeling System (SMS), the base of a CMS-Flow model is created on an unstructured grid (UGrid), with components such as save points, activity classification coverage, and boundary conditions. Save points are vital for identifying high temporal resolution output locations. Activity classification coverages exclude geographic regions from the simulation computations. A boundary conditions coverage is a required component for any simulation.

Example of Sediment Transport options for CMS-Flow

Once you have created these components, you can create a new CMS-Flow simulation by right-clicking in the Project Explorer. Next, apply the UGrid and any coverages you want to include in the simulation by dragging them under the simulation. You can then set the parameters for sediment transport by following these steps:

  1. Right-click on the simulation and select Model Control to open the CMS-Flow Model Control dialog.
  2. Select the Sediment Transport tab and check the box next to Calculate sediment transport.
  3. Under the Sediment Transport tab, input various parameters to refine sediment transport in the simulation. These include sediment density and porosity, bed composition, transport formula, and more.
  4. Set all other desired parameters in the tabs of the CMS-Flow Model Control dialog and click OK when finished.

Once you have set all the necessary parameters, you are ready to run the CMS-Flow simulation with its included sediment transport calculations. By utilizing sediment transport, you can refine your CMS-Flow model further and achieve more accurate results.

In conclusion, sediment transport is an essential process that needs to be considered in hydrodynamic models like CMS-Flow. With the sediment transport module in CMS-Flow, you can achieve a more realistic representation of river or coastal systems and explore various scenarios. Follow the steps outlined above to set the sediment transport parameters and refine your CMS-Flow model in SMS today.

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Exploring the MODFLOW HUF Package

Are you looking to control flow between grid cells in your MODFLOW project using the Ground-water Modeling System (GMS)? MODFLOW offers a couple packages for doing this, but consider using the Hydrogeologic-Unit Flow (HUF) package. This package gives you greater control over the properties of cells regulating flow in a MODFLOW model and help represent more complex stratigraphy in your project.

The HUF package is located in the MODFLOW Global options, and can be used in conjunction with other packages. The HUF package is one of the flow packages, of which you can only have one flow package selected for a project. Once the HUF package has been added to the project, it can be accessed through the MODFLOW menu.

Example of HUF package materials

The benefit of using the HUF package in your MODFLOW model is that the materials are not bound to the grid, making it possible for there to be more than one material mapped to a single cell. The hydrogeologic units are calculated independent of the cell boundaries, so by using the HUF package the model can more accurately represent the relationship between materials.

View the hydrogeologic units by going to the display options and clicking on the MODFLOW tab under 3D Grid Data, then turn on Hydrogeologic units. Back in the Graphics Window, when in ortho mode, you can view the model from the top, front, or side.

By accessing the HUF package under the MODFLOW menu, you can select the Edit Materials button to view or change the conductivity level of each material. In the HUF package dialog, you can also edit the top values or thickness values in the array manually, and designate whether to use vertical hydraulic conductivity (VK) or vertical anisotropy (VANI). You can also define each layer as confined or convertible, assign a head to dry cells, adjust grid elevations, and more. The HUF arrays can also be exported to grid datasets, which makes them viewable as contours or in a table.

Incorporating the HUF package into GMS also expands how the package can be used. For example, GMS has the ability to use TPROGS to generate HUF data.

Go to GMS and see how the HUF package can be used in your MODFLOW model today!

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Using CAD Data to Delineate a Watershed

Did you know that you can use CAD files to delineate your watershed area in a Watershed Modeling System (WMS) project? WMS is capable of using CAD data for elevation data, designs, layouts, and more. CAD data can be converted to TINs and feature objects to be implemented in a WMS project.

When converting the CAD data to feature objects, you can choose which layers from the data you would like to use when creating the new feature object. After that, you can clean up the feature object and choose all the properties for the coverage. To convert CAD data into feature objects, do the following:

  1. Import the CAD data into WMS from a DWG, DXF, or DGN file.
  2. After importing the CAD data, review the data to verify that it was imported correctly and that it has the correct projection.
  3. Right-click on the file in the Project Explorer and select Convert | Feature Objects….
  4. In the Cad → Feature Objects dialog, select which layers to convert into feature objects.
  5. Make certain the new coverage is set to have the "drainage" type.
  6. Designate the converted feature objects as outlet points and streams. Also verify that any stream arcs a set with the correct direction.

With the CAD data converted to feature objects and you've designated your outlets and streams, you can start the process of delineating your watershed. To do this, you will need a DEM in your project. If you have elevation data stored in a CAD file, you will first need to convert the CAD data to a TIN.

Basin delineated from CAD data

CAD data can be converted into TIN points or TIN triangles, but the best way to end up with TIN triangles is to convert into TIN points first. To convert CAD data directly into TINs, do the following:

  1. Import the CAD data into WMS in the form of a DWG, DXF, or DGN file.
  2. Right-click on the file in the Project Explorer and select Convert | CAD Points → TIN Points.
  3. In the Cad → TIN dialog, select which layers to convert and the name the TIN data will appear under in the Project Explorer.
  4. Right-click on the TIN point data in the Project Explorer and select Triangles | Triangulate.

From here you can convert the TIN to DEM if necessary. The TIN module in WMS has a few tools for working with basins that may be sufficient for your model. However, some models either perform better or require a DEM. Once you have the DEM you can generate the delineated basin. To do this:

  1. Right-click on the TIN and select Convert | TIN → DEM.
  2. Enter parameters for the DEM in the Convert TIN to DEM dialog.
  3. Review the generated DEM.

Once you have a DEM, complete the following steps:

  1. Select DEM | Compute Flow Direction in the Drainage module.
  2. Select DEM | Polygon Basin IDs →> DEM in the Drainage module.
  3. Select DEM | Compute Basin Data in the Drainage module.

Once you have a delineated basin, you can use the basin with the watershed modeling model of your choice. Be certain to review the basin to make certain it contains all of the area you need for your project.

Head over to WMS and see how you can utilize CAD data to create delineated basins in your projects today!

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Methods for Redistributing Vertices

The ability to redistribute vertices along an arc can be essential for any number of projects. The Surface-water Modeling System (SMS) offers a couple of different methods for redistributing vertices. This post will examine two of those methods.

The Redistribute Vertices Dialog

The first way to redistribute vertices is relatively simple. Select an arc, or multiple arcs, and either right-click and select Redistribute Vertices from the menu, or go to the Feature Objects menu and select the Redistribute Vertices command. This will pull up the Redistribute Vertices dialog window. From there you have a few different options as to the method of distribution.

  • Specified spacing: the number of vertices on an arc will be determined by how far apart the vertices should be.
  • Number of segments: how many pieces the arc should be broken up into.
  • Min/max spacing: with min/max spacing, the segments will start at the minimum set length and gradually get longer until the last one is the maximum set length.
  • Source arc: this requires you to choose two arcs. The number of vertices on the target arc will change to match the source arc.
  • Size function: this option requires a data source.
Example of the Redistribute Vertices dialog in SMS

In the Redistribute Vertices dialog you can choose to include a bias with specified spacing and number of segments options. Using a bias means that each segment will be a percentage larger or smaller than the one before it, which depends on whether or not the bias number is less or greater than one. The direction of the bias is determined by the direction in which the arc was created. For example, an arc created top to bottom will have the smallest segment at the top and the largest at the bottom if the bias number is greater than one.

The 2D Mesh Polygon Properties Dialog

Another option available in SMS is to use the 2D Mesh Polygon Properties dialog when redistributing vertices along the arcs of a polygon. This can be used on any polygon that has been created on a coverage. There are three ways to access the 2D Mesh Polygon Properties dialog window, but the simplest option is to double-click on the polygon itself.

Example of redistributing vertices with the 2D Mesh Polygon Properties dialog in SMS

The 2D Mesh Polygon Properties dialog window is primarily used for creating a mesh inside a polygon. However it can still be used to redistribute the vertices along an arc. The benefit of using the 2D Mesh Polygon Properties dialog window rather than Redistribute Vertices is that it offers a preview option so you can see what the polygon will look like with the new vertex distribution without having to open and close the Redistribute Vertices dialog to see the changes. This makes it easy to test out different options right in the same window. The downside of using this dialog window rather than Redistribute Vertices is that it doesn’t offer the same range of redistribution options. The only redistribution options the 2D Mesh Polygon Properties dialog offers for vertices is specified distribution along the arc, with or without a bias. If you’re looking for more specificity, this may not be the right option for your project.

Try the different methods of redistributing vertices in the SMS today!

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