Aquaveo & Water Resources Engineering News

GMS Sprint September 2014

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month.

  • Fixed 8 bugs
  • MODFLOW-USG duplicated when duplicating UGrid
  • More progress on observations with MODFLOW-USG and PEST
  • Expanded/collapsed state of items in the Project Explorer now saved
  • mod-PATH3DU interface mostly completed
  • Progress on new datasets to be used with VTK
  • User now asked about inactive cells when converting to MODFLOW-USG
  • Switching to MODFLOW-NWT now prompts to switch the solver to NWT
  • GUI testing for UGrid interpolation added
  • MODFLOW code and solution changed to reduce all the dlls
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GMS Spring August 2014

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month.

  • Fixed 6 bugs
  • Good progress on MODFLOW-USG observations with PEST
  • Progress on VTK hypergridtree
  • Added "Do not show again" for warning about pathlines not displaying
  • Standardized on "dataset", not "data set" throughout interface
  • Pushed SAMG code for MODFLOW-USG into dev and 10.0
  • Table view dialog added read-only and no insert/delete capabilities
  • Testing added image comparison tolerance
  • Test added for Getting Started tutorial
  • Tutorial durations and dependencies updated
  • UGrid interpolation added
  • Units default to users locale, and saved in settings
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GMS Sprint July 2014

  • Released GMS 10.0 with support for MODFLOW-USG
  • Fixed 10 bugs
  • Training course in Adelaide, Australia
  • Parallelized the new interpolation code
  • Switched to new, faster interpolation code for linear and IDW
  • Updated MODFLOW-NWT and MODFLOW-USG to the latest versions
  • Good progress on hypergridtree
  • Added shapefile export for 2D meshes
  • Good progress on BeoPEST support
  • Much code refactoring and cleanup
  • Got better estimates on tutorial durations
  • Investigated recording tutorial videos
  • Added "Z Values -> Dataset" and "Map to Z Values" commands for UGrids
  • Length units are now defaulted to computers current regional settings unless settings have been saved previously
  • CLN Package support completed (non-graphical)
  • Designed interface for MODFLOW-USG Observations
  • Created a "Getting Started" tutorial
  • Added SEAWAT 64-bit executables to Preferences dialog
  • Added Zoom To Extents commands for all geometric objects
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GMS Training - San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Dr Willis Weight of Carol College and Alan Lemon, from the GMS development team, recently taught Groundwater Flow and Transport using GMS to a class of 40 participants. The class was hosted at Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (San Luis Potosi Institute of Scientific Research and Technology). Thank you to all of the participants in the class. We worked very hard for 5 days and the participants were very positive about their learning experience. We would also like to thank our friends at Ecoterra for organizing the class and hosting us.
Dr. Willis Weight teaching.
Alan Lemon leading a demo.
Celebration dinner.
Centro de las Artes de San Luis Potosi Centenario
One of the many beautiful churches in San Luis Potosi.

MODFLOW-USG Training - Philadelphia

The GMS team recently completed a MODFLOW-USG training course in Philadelphia. Thank you to Dr. Laura Toran for hosting us at Temple University. Alan Lemon, from the GMS development team, and Sorab Panday, principal MODFLOW-USG author, taught the class. The 2 day class was filled with theory and hands on applications with MODFLOW-USG. Course participants were excited to see the new types of grids that can be used with MODFLOW-USG. GMS has many flexible options for creating unstructured grids that make using MODFLOW-USG as easy as using traditional MODFLOW.
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New plot axes in GMS 10.0

The Plot Axes have been overhauled in GMS 10.0. The new axes automatically turn on and off as you rotate the view so that your view is never obscured. The options in the dialog are also much simpler.

GMS Sprint June 2014

  • Fixed three bugs
  • complete
  • UGrids added to Display Themes
  • Double-click on UGrid cell opens Properties dialog
  • TINs and Rasters added for SFR2 elevations
  • PEST 13 support added
  • Qt interface progress
  • Posted GMS 10.0 beta
  • 2D UGrid from 3D UGrid
  • UGrid lighting now works
  • UGrid mouse tracking now works
  • Switched from "node" to "point" terminology with UGrids
  • Designed MODFLOW SWI interface
  • UGrid from imported .gsf file
  • PEST-ASP now treated as a MODFLOW package
  • Interpolate from scatter points to UGrid
  • CLN interface started
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