Using the Blend Arcs Tool

Sometimes it may be useful to have a quick way to create an arc that lies between two other arcs. For example, you might need to quickly create a centerline arc between two bank arcs. The Surface-water Modeling System's Blend Arcs tool, which is new to SMS in version 13.2, means that creating a blended arc is only a few clicks away.

There are many applications for the Blended Arc tool in SMS. As mentioned earlier, it can be used to find the centerline of a channel using the bank arcs. It can also be used for a quick way to find the arc in the center of a bridge, culvert, or weir.There are many other potential applications for this tool.

Example of the Blend Arc command

The steps to use the blended arc feature are:

  1. Create two arcs. The arcs can be parallel to each other, or even touching.
  2. After selecting both arcs, right-click in the graphics window and choose Blend Arcs from the menu.

The blended arc is immediately generated. This can only be done with two arcs, however the two arcs you pick don't have to be right next to each other. You can still find the blended point of two arcs that are separated by other features, such as other individual arcs or polygons.

When working around polygons in your project, If a polygon has been created in the space where the blended arc will appear, when the Blend Arcs tool is used, the polygon will retain its original shape despite the fact that there is now an arc splitting it. This could be useful for your project, but if you intend for the new arc to split the polygon into two new shapes, you only need to click the Build Polygons macro one more time and the new polygons will be created with this new division.

Try the new Blend Arcs tool in SMS 13.2 today!

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Engineering with Nature in SMS

Aquaveo has joined in the Engineering with Nature (EWN) initiative started by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by adding Engineering with Nature tools into the Surface-water Modeling System (SMS). EWN aims to move toward a more efficient, sustainable, and resilient approach to engineering by considering social, environmental, and economic impacts. To support the mission of EWN initiative, SMS has developed multiple tools. Let's look at some of these tools.

Adding engineering features into your project can sometimes be a long and tedious process. With the EWN Features tool in SMS you can streamline the process, reducing the amount of time that would have been spent inputting the necessary data before. The EWN Features tool is built especially for creating feature objects to represent structures in natural environments. To use the tool, create a new map coverage and select the EWN Features type in the Engineering with Nature folder under the list of Model types to begin building structures into your SMS project.

Once you have a EWN Features coverage, you can create polygons to model the feature. You then can assign attributes and properties to the polygon. Once you have the feature properties defined, you can use the tools in the coverage to insert the define feature into a 2D mesh or 2D unstructured grid (UGrid).

Example of the EWN Polygon Properties

Another EWN tool is the Sediment Volume Management tool. The Sediment Volume Management tool allows you to calculate cut and fill for sediment volume. Like the EWN Feature tool, this tool is accessed by creating a new map coverage with the Sediment Volume Transport type found in the Engineering with Nature folder under the list of Model Types. In the coverage you can create polygons and assigned sediment parameters. Then the sediment volume calculations can be performed using the tools in the coverage.

Additional EWN tools are in development for SMS. Look for them in future releases of SMS. In the meantime, try out using EWN in SMS today!

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Viewing SRH-2D Simulation Plots

SMS generates multiple plots during the SHR-2D model run. These solution plots include data collected by monitor points or lines as well as information such as mass balance and percentage of flow that enters the simulation. This post will discuss accessing and using the solution plots.

The first way to view the SRH-2D Solution plots is through the simulation data in the Simulation Run Queue. This allows you to look at the quality of the simulation as it is running. In the Simulation Run Queue, the Monitoring data option needs to be turned on. You can then view the plots as they are generated using the tabs below.

After you have run the simulation, you can view the solutions plots. You can access the SRH-2D Solution Plot by doing the following:

  1. Right-clicking on the simulation item and select Tools from the dropdown to open another submenu.
  2. Click on View Simulation Plots to pull up the SRH-2D Solution Plots window.

This will allow you to look at the list of different plots in the Plots section. On the left, there are a few other options such as the legend, and specifying the time range. The show legend option will have a legend appear in the upper right corner of the plot that has been pulled up. This as well as the specifying of the time range allows you to adjust the graph to your desired time range.

Example of the Solution Plots dialog

It is important to note that the plots in the Solution Plot window are not available in the Plot Wizard. You will need access them through the Solution Plots window. With that, it should be noted that pulling up an older SRH-2D project in a current version of SMS may not have the solution plots. This is because of changes in how files are organized. In this case, the solutions plots can be generated by re-running the simulation.

The SRH-2D Solution Plot is one of the many options in SMS to help you see what is happening in your simulation. Try using the SRH-2D Solution Plot in SMS today!

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Interpolating Localized Elevation Values

Do you have a Surface-water Modeling System (SMS) project where you need to adjust the elevation values for a small area of your mesh? Some projects require updates to the localized areas of the mesh elevation. It may be that you’ve received updated elevation data for part of the project area, or you discovered a flaw in the elevation data on the mesh. You could manually update the elevation on each node of the mesh, but this could be rather time-consuming. Using the Scatter Module in SMS, you can incorporate the new elevation values into your mesh.

Example of localized elevation data

Ideally, you will be able to obtain correct elevation data that covers the entire mesh domain, which you could simply interpolate over to the mesh. But when you only have updated elevation data for a localized area, you can use this workflow to update the elevation data.

  1. Right-click on the desired mesh and select Convert > Mesh → 2D Scatter.
  2. Name the new scatter set whatever you'd like (or keep the default) and keep all other settings the same.
  3. Choose Scatter | Merge Sets to open the Merge Scatter Sets dialog.
  4. Check the box for each scatter set that you would like to merge.
  5. Make your newer data higher on the list so that it will be given priority. Do so by selecting a scatter set and using the Move up or Move down buttons.
  6. Choose Delete lower priority scatter points and check the box for Maintain triangulation.
  7. If desired, name the new scatter set something other than the default.

This will create a new scatter set that overwrites the old data with the new data.

From here, which course you take will depend on whether you need just the z values to change, or if you need the mesh geometry to change as well.

To only change the elevation values in the existing mesh, do the following:

  1. Right-click on the new scatter set and select Interpolate to....
  2. Check the boxes for the scatter set z or elevation dataset as well as the box for Map Z.
  3. Choose the starting mesh from the list on the right.

To create a new mesh with the new elevation values, do this:

  1. Right-click on the merged scatter set and select Convert > | Scatter → 2D Mesh.
  2. Name the new mesh whatever you like and press OK.
  3. Edit the new mesh as needed.

The Scatter Module in SMS gives you a variety of options for fixing and adjusting elevation data. Try out the Scatter Module in SMS today!

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