Aquaveo & Water Resources Engineering News

Troubleshooting Importing Boreholes in GMS

Have you encountered issues when importing borehole data into GMS? The majority of the time, there are no issues when borehole data is imported into GMS, but occasionally something becomes misaligned. This article will attempt to address some of the common issues that occur when importing borehole data.

The most common issue happens when the borehole data file is formatted incorrectly for GMS. Often this can be fixed when importing the borehole through the File Import Wizard. Selecting the correct options in the File Import Wizard can resolve many issues. However, in some cases the borehole data will need to be reformatted using a spreadsheet program or text editor. If this is the case, follow the recommended borehole file format.

Another issue occurs when importing borehole data happens when the coordinate system for the borehole data does not match the coordinate system for the GMS project. When this happens, all of the boreholes will be unaligned with the project data or it may happen that all of the boreholes will be stacked on top of each other. This latter case typically occurs when the borehole coordinates are in latitude and longitude, but the GMS project is using a projected coordinate system, which would use linear units such as feet or meters.

To fix this issue, the correct projection needs to be set for the boreholes. This is done by doing the following:

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click on the imported boreholes and select the Projection command.
  2. In the Object Projection dialog, set the projection to match the project projection.

With the correct projection set, the boreholes should line up with the project data.

Setting projections for a borehole

Additional adjustments to boreholes can be made using the Borehole Editor. This is accessed by right-clicking on the borehole and selecting the Properties command. This method is best when only a few boreholes are imported incorrectly. If several or all boreholes were imported incorrectly, it is recommended to review the borehole data and fix any issues before importing into GMS.

For further troubleshooting with importing borehole data, contact our technical support team at Try out using boreholes in GMS today!

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Using Evaluation Versions of GMS, SMS, and WMS

Are you wanting to try out GMS, SMS, or WMS, but aren’t quite ready to commit to purchasing a license? Or maybe you have a license, but your maintenance has lapsed and you’d like to check out the new features in a beta version before updating your maintenance?

Aquaveo permits using an evaluation license for its products to permit you to try out our software to see if it will meet your needs. Evaluation licenses are temporary license codes that let you use all the functionality of our software for two weeks.

To receive an evaluation license code, do the following:

Use the evaluation code to register
  1. Download the software you want to evaluate from our downloads page.
  2. After downloading and installing the software, use the Request License button in the Registration Wizard to go to the Software Evaluation Request page on our website.
  3. Fill out the request form and an evaluation license code will be sent to you.
  4. Register the software using the evaluation license code sent to you.

After registering the software with the evaluation code you will be able to use all of the software functionality to determine if the software will meet your water modeling needs. Note that evaluation licenses are only for evaluation purposes and are not intended for creating finished models. It should also be noted that certain third party models, such as TUFLOW or Hydro AS-2D, will still require a separate license in order to fully evaluate them.

After the two week trial period, the license will expire and you will no longer be able to use the software until a paid license code is entered. You are only permitted one evaluation license per product per version.

If you encounter problems with registering an evaluation license, contact our support team at If you started an evaluation license and were unable to use the license during the evaluation period, contact our licensing team at

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Customizing the Simulation Commands in SMS

In SMS 13.1 beta, did you know that you can customize the commands in the simulation right-click menu? Customizing the right-click commands can help declutter the menu. For models such as ADIRC or SRH-2D, the right-click menu can be customized to show the commands you use most often. For example, if your workflow calls for saving the project, exporting the simulation files, and launching the simulation run every time, you may not want to have separate commands for each of those, instead just having one command showing all of those.

Starting with SMS 13.1.6, the Preferences dialog contains options for customizing the right-click menu commands for simulations. These commands include commands for exporting the simulation files, saving the project, and launching the simulation. Commands preferences can be set for the menu for simulations as well as for the Simulation Data folder in the Project Explorer. Setting the commands for the Simulation Data folder apply to all simulations in the project.

To customize the simulation commands, do the following:

  1. Open the Preferences dialog by using Preferences command in the Edit menu.
  2. In the Preferences dialog, go to the Project Explorer tab.
  3. Click the Edit button next to simulation right-click menu options to open the Simulation Menu Preferences dialog.
  4. Turn on or off the options in the Simulation Menu Preferences dialog to customize the commands in the simulation menus.
Customizing the simulation menu

When using the Simulation Menu Preferences dialog, make certain you turn on or off commands in the correct column. Also note that saving the simulation exports the simulation files and does not include saving your SMS project; there are two separate processes.

Being able to customize your simulation menu is a new feature that is only available for certain models. Older models, such as TABS or TUFLOW, do not have this option at this time.

Try out customizing your simulation menu in SMS 13.1 beta today!

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Zooming with Annotations

Do you have a location in your GMS groundwater project that requires you to zoom in and out of a particular location frequently? It sometimes can become tedious to constantly have to locate the same area in the project and manually zoom in on that area using the Zoom tool. The annotation tools provide a way to make this process easier.

Zooming using the annotation tools requires the use of the Zoom to Layer command. This is done by doing the following:

  1. Create a new world space annotation layer. It is important that the annotation layer be set to use the world space which makes use of the project projection. Using annotation layers set to screen space will not work.
  2. Create annotations that mark out the zoomed in area. Using the Create Rectangular Object tool often works best for this task. Make certain that all objects added to this annotation layer are within the zoom in area.
  3. In the Project Explorer, right-click on the annotation layer and select Zoom to Layer. This will frame the project to the extent of the annotation objects.
Zoom to Layer command with Annotations layer

Following this method, you can zoom or pan to other locations in the project and quickly return to the area marked by the annotation layer by using the Zoom to Layer command. If there are multiple areas of interest in the project, create a separate annotation layer for each area you want to zoom in on. Doing that can make navigating around the locations of your project easier.

While we discussed doing this in GMS, it can also be done in SMS for surface-water projects. The annotation tools are similar in SMS and the Zoom to Layer is available for annotation layers in the Project Explorer.

Try out using annotations to navigation your groundwater project in GMS today!

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Reviewing Aquaveo Licensing Information

In order for your Aquaveo software (GMS, SMS, WMS) to function correctly, it must be licensed correctly. It also must have all the correct components licensed for you to run the packages you have purchased. When you encounter an issue with your license, you can review your license information in order to know what to do.

To see your license information, do the following:

  1. Go to the Help menu and select the Register command.
Example of the Register Dialog

In the register dialog you will see your license information, including your license number, license expiration date, and maintenance expiration date. The license number will often be needed when contacting Aquaveo for support. The license expiration date shows when your license will expire, after which you will no longer be able to use the software without a new license. The maintenance expiration date is different from the license expiration date. The maintenance expiration date is the date after which you will no longer be able to receive technical support or access newer versions of the software including bug fixes.

In the register dialog you will also see a list of components enabled with your license. Components include numerical models, interface options, and tools that can be purchased with a license for our software. Review this list to make certain that you have all of the components you expect to find with your license. There is an option at the top of the dialog that can be turned off to see components that have not been enabled.

Often when a component is not enabled, this is because that component was not part of the license package that you purchased. Components can be purchased as part of a license package or purchased individually. To add a component to your license, contact our sales team at:

If you find that a component is not enabled that you believe should be enabled, contact Aquaveo’s licensing team at:

If you are experiencing trouble registering your license or accessing a component of your license, contact our technical support team at:

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New Selection Functions in GMS 10.5 Beta

With the release of GMS10.5 Beta, a few changes were made to how some selection functions work to make selecting objects in a project easier. A couple of the existing functionalities were improved and a new selection tool was added. This article discusses some of these changes.

The Invert Selection tool existed in earlier versions of GMS. The tool switches which objects are selected so that the objects that were selected are no longer selected and any object that was not selected is now selected. In earlier versions, this tool could be launched from the Edit menu. Starting in GMS 10.5 beta, the command to invert the selection can be found by right-clicking in the Graphics Window after selecting one or more objects.

The Zoom to Selection Command

Zoom to Selection is a new tool introduced in GMS 10.5 beta. This tool works by selecting an object in the Graphics Window. Then right-click the object to find the Zoom to Selection command. Using this command will zoom in on the selected object so that it fills the Graphics Window.

To go along with the change of having the Invert Selection and Zoom to Selection commands as part of the right-click menu for map tools, a change was made to what happens when the right-click menu was invoked. Previously, invoking the right-click command with a map tool by clicking in an empty part of the Graphics Window caused any selected objects to become unselected. In GMS 10.5 beta, map objects are not unselected when right-clicking in an empty spot of the Graphics Window. Instead, the new right-click menu will appear.

Previously, when an object was selected and you held down the Shift key, if you selected an empty part of the Graphics Window, your selected object would become unselected. In GMS 10.5 beta, objects no longer become unselected.

These are a few of the changes to selecting objects in GMS 10.5 beta. Try out the GMS 10.5 beta today.

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Troubleshooting Model Executables

GMS, SMS, and WMS (collectively known as XMS) all make use of numerical models for the final simulation run. These numerical models include MODFLOW, ADCIRC, SRH-2D, GSSHA, HEC-RAS, etc. These numerical models are not developed by Aquaveo, but the XMS software does provide an interface for using these models. This article will discuss more about how the XMS software integrates with these numerical models.

XMS will allow you to import all of the starting data and define all the parameters for a numerical model simulation. After the project has been built in XMS, XMS will export all of the files needed for the model run. XMS will then access the numeric model executable and launch the numerical model to run your simulation.

If the numerical model fails to run, there sometimes can be an issue with the numerical model executable. Typically, you will receive a warning message stating the model executable can’t be found. When this happens there are two ways to resolve the conflict.

The first is to click the browse button on the warning dialog and browse to the location of the model executable. Select the model executable and simulation will start running. In most cases, the model executables are located in a folder called models located in the locations where the XMS software has been installed.

The second method is to make certain the path to the model executable location has been correctly in XMS. This is done by going the Preferences dialog (use the Edit | Preferences command). In the Preferences dialog, there is a tab call either Files or File Locations. On the Files tab is a list of the available numerical models and where XMS is accessing that executable for the model. From here, you can change the file path to point to the correct location of the model executable.

File Locations tab in the Preferences dialog

Often when the model executable cannot be found the cause is one of a few common issues. One is that the path location was not correctly set when XMS was installed. Another is that the numerical model was not installed correctly. And another is that you may have been using a custom installation of the numerical model software with the model executable in a location where XMS is not looking.

Also note that some numerical models require multiple executables. Often this is a pre-processor that has its own executable. Make certain that the file path is correct for all executables used by the numerical model.

Making certain the correct model executable can be found by XMS can make running your model simulation a lot easier. Check out all the available numerical models availing in XMS today!

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Using the Cross Section Tools in SMS 13.1

With the release of SMS 13.1 beta, a significant number of tools have been added for working with cross sections. These tools allow you to have more control over importing cross section databases and how you can work with cross sections in SMS.

Earlier versions of SMS have allowed you to import a cross section database and provided the cross section and centerline coverages. This lets you create a basic 1D model in SMS. SMS 13.1 expands on this functionality.

The new cross section tools in SMS 13.1 include:

Extract cross sections from shapefile
  • Cross section databases can be created from a text file.
  • Cross sections can be interpolated along the centerline.
  • Cross sections can be trimmed to annotation types.
  • A surface (TIN) can be created by matching annotated points on cross sections.
  • A centerline coverage can be created from annotated cross sections.
  • HEC-RAS cross section data can be used.

When working with these new tools in SMS 13.1 beta, there are a couple items to keep in mind.

The first is that when interpolating cross sections, check for overlapping cross sections after the interpolation process is complete. If you trim your cross sections before interpolating your cross sections, you may prevent some overlapping.

The next item to keep in mind is that before converting cross sections to a TIN, it is recommended that you manually clean up the cross sections. Cross sections that have overlapping sections, unnecessary segments, or poor location can cause errors in the TIN.

Finally, converting a shapefile to a centerline coverage can be slow. It is recommended to convert the shapefile to an area property coverage first. After converting the shapefile to an area property coverage, clean up the arcs on the area property coverage then convert the area property coverage to a centerline coverage.

Tutorial for using the new cross sections tools will be made available in the coming months. Until then,our technical support team can help provide guidance in using these new tools. Try out the new cross section tools in SMS 13.1 beta today!

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Working with Units in GMS

For any groundwater modeling project, having the correct units is essential in creating a valid project. When working with GMS, make certain that the project units are correct. To help you with having the correct units, here are some tips for working with units in GMS.

Check Input Units

Before importing data into GMS, check units of the data. Ideally, all of your data will be using the same units. So, for example, if you are working in meters then make certain all the data you will be importing is in meters.

It is recommended that you convert the data into the correct units before importing it into GMS. GMS will not change the units of your data during the import process. That said, it is recommended to check the units of imported data to make certain the data imported correctly. This is done by checking the data’s projection.

Please note that GMS also does not perform unit conversions when writing values to input files for models, such as MODFLOW or MT3DMS packages, but writes the values to input files as they are shown in their respective package dialogs.

Converting Units

Instead of converting the units of your data before importing it into GMS, you can convert some data inside GMS. GMS does not do automatic conversion of units for data. So if all of your data is in meters and you bring in one set of data that is in feet, GMS will not automatically convert the data from feet to meters.

Instead, after importing the data, you have two options for converting the data into the correct units.

The first of these options is to reproject the data. This is done by right-clicking on the data in the Project Explorer and selecting the Reproject command. This option can quickly change the units of the data in GMS.

The other option is to create a new dataset with the correct units. This is done using the Data Calculator. In the Data Calculator, you would select the dataset with the wrong units then enter the equation to convert the dataset units into the calculator. Once the new dataset is calculated, make certain that dataset is being used in the project and not the older dataset.

Using the Data Calculator to convert units
Check Output Units

After completing your model and running it, it is recommended that you check the units of the output data. In most cases, the units in the output data will be correct. If the units are not correct, this often indicates an issue with the input values of the model. GMS does not change the units of data during the model run.

Having correct units will make your groundwater modeling in GMS run smoother. Check out GMS today!

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